Rip and Sam Save the Universe. A single player game made by a solo developer (me) that takes place over 5 Billion years. Follow the journey of GawdLin, Bucket, Sigret, Sam(antha) and Rip and a large host of other characters and creatures that you will encounter over time.
Life starts simple enough or so you have been taught, when you start to question even the tiniest thing you draw unwanted attention to yourself.
Universes will pay a hefty price for your assumptions that all is not right and it will be up to you to make things right for everyone and everything.
Unfortunately you are not the smartest human in your Universe but with the help a new ally Bucket perhaps you can overcome your shortcomings with Magic, Levelling and Items.
Challenges await around every corner, new discoveries await to be made and problems will need to be solved in order for you and your creations to further exist.
--- A story unlike any ever told--
The Game has been in development starting in 2019 and now using Unity 2022 3D engine.
I have 900GB of Assets available to be used, Quixel Megascans, $30,000 in Unity Asset store Assets, tons of custom made 3D models and Assets, Original Music, Professional Voice Acting for Cutscenes and for Gameplay.
4K and 8K Assets, I am striving to make a AAA game for everyone to enjoy.
A Sequel is already in the works.
I am trying for 16 hours of gameplay in the first game, the story "cutscene movies" and gameplay can I think easily achieve that. It's a Huge Game.
I have rarely had a day off from the game although I tended to delete and start over a lot in the early days but now that I have a solid foundation, error free code, My own Music, Voice Audio done and Scripts finalized I have made progress every day.
Making games is hard, making a Realistic High Definition 3D Game is even harder but making it a fun and engaging game to play for all ages is dream I've had for many years.
Wonderful fun story, I know you will love it as much as I do.
--Early access Scene 1 to 3 is coming "large download".
RSSTU (ronJ)